
As the cold weather bites, how we are helping those who will struggle to pay for fuel

We have begun to see an increase in people coming through our doors facing fuel poverty. The University of Oxford research however, found that half of people at foodbanks can’t afford to heat their homes and households referred to foodbanks had, on average, £319 of income in the month preceding their referral and 1/5 of people […]

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donna’s story

“Coming to the food bank was just a great relief and nobody judges anybody.” Care support worker, Donna, saw her life turned upside down when she was hospitalised after suffering from two mini-strokes. Forced to stop working and not eligible for sick pay, the 44-year-old, mother-of-three from Northern Ireland soon began to struggle. “I was […]

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Vodafone commits to connecting one million people living in digital poverty

Vodafone has announced it will help connect one million people living in digital poverty. For every new and existing Vodafone Together household, Vodafone will provide a person in need with a SIM card, loaded with 20GB of data plus free calls and texts each month for up to a year; ensuring the connectivity reaches those […]

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autumn budget 2021: our response

Garry Lemon, Director of Policy and Research at the Trussell Trust: “Today the Chancellor has made a choice that is a far cry from his ‘age of optimism’, for people on the very lowest incomes. While we welcome the reduction in the taper rate which means some families can keep more of their earnings, this […]

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Why Would a Mum Doing a Business Degree Find Herself Begging on the Streets This Winter?

With Christmas approaching, Michele from Brent Foodbank shares how she’s helping to make the festive season special for those struggling. “For the past few days I haven’t been to the street begging for money to buy food for me and my baby…” This was what a mother at Brent Foodbank told us recently. She was […]

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Emergency Budget gets the food poverty test

David McAuley, Chief Executive of The Trussell Trust said: “We have two simple tests for the budget being delivered today.  Firstly, what does it do to reduce the number of people in poverty and hunger?  Secondly, what does it do to ensure the Government is supporting the work of charities and social enterprise in taking […]

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Listening to the lives behind the foodbank statistics

MPs and peers discussed tackling UK poverty. The Trussell Trust, along with dozens of representatives from its UK network of foodbanks, were in parliament yesterday speaking with MPs and Peers about the work they do to combat hunger and poverty. Hosting the event, Chris White MP commended the varied work of the Trussell Trust’s foodbanks, […]

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Trussell Trust foodbanks gave out over one million three day emergency food supplies to UK people in crisis in 2014/15.

Benefit delays, low income and benefit changes are the primary reasons why people are currently being referred to foodbanks for emergency food. About Our Statistics The Trussell Trust statistics are a measure of volume – they show the number of people to whom The Trussell Trust foodbanks have given three days’ emergency food. These are […]

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